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Future Events

Wed 11 September 2024
@ 18:30 to 21:30

Wed 11 September 2024
@ 20:00 to 21:00

Wed 11 September 2024
@ 20:00 to 21:00

Wed 11 September 2024
@ 20:00 to 23:00

Thu 12 September 2024
@ 12:30 to 17:00


How many members do you have?
London IVC has over 300 members and our membership is growing again following a falling off due to covid restrictions. We share some events with other IVC clubs across the country and there are around 2,500 members 

Who runs the club?
Collectively the members do. We have an annual general meeting at which a committee is elected but by far the biggest contribution comes from our members. Many members give their time freely but nobody is pressurised into doing anything they don't want to. Who knows, you could be organising events of your own in the very near future!

How does it work?

All the detailed event information is available via the diary or monthly calendar pages of our website. In addition a  weekly e-mail is sent out that highlights special future events or ones that that need booking as well as including a complete events listing. Most of our events are arranged by the members of the club and you are invited to attend as many events as you wish. Many of our events are free. Charges are only made when entrance fees, tickets or accommodation etc is required.

How do I book for events?
Many events require no pre-booking and are arranged on a 'turn up and go' basis. So if you do happen to find yourself at a loose end and feel like going out just choose an event and turn up! Where booking is required the details will be given in the event description. Remember members need to log in to see the organisers' contact details and often a more detailed event description.

Who joins London IVC?
Anyone who is a graduate or professional or shares similar interests will feel comfortable among their peers. Those who would  like to enlarge their circle of friends, expand the options open to them for nightlife or try a new activity will find relaxed, sociable and intelligent company.

How do I join London IVC?
We hope our website gives you a good idea of what we are but sometimes the only way to be really sure London IVC is for you is to join. The  annual membership fee is only £25. This follows a three month free trial period when you can evaluate what we have to offer.  Click on Welcome and Trial Membership at the top of the Home page to join. 

How much does it cost?
Our annual subscription is £25. We collect subscriptions by direct debit via Go Cardless who do not pass your full bank details to us. Please be aware that unless you cancel your Go Cardless direct debit agreement before you trial period expires we may then automatically collect your £25 subscription for the next year and annually thereafter. This is just to keep our administration costs low. You may of course cancel your agreement at any time.

What is the age of people I will meet?
We have members right across the age range and all are welcome but the great majority are now over 45. We find that many of our members joined when younger and continued their membership for many years. Different events attract different age groups.

What do I get for my money?
Membership currently includes:-

  • Access to the members area of our website
  • Regular update e-mails giving the latest information.
  • The opportunity to choose from well over 60 varied events each and every month
  • The opportunity to attend, by arrangement, events of other IVC clubs if you are temporarily living or working in their area.
  • Ability to organise events of your own

Where does the money go?

Your membership fees will help:
  • Maintain the website and pay web-hosting fees
  • Cover the costs of the broadcast e-mail system
  • Printing and postage
  • Public Liability insurance cover
  • Advertising,  telephone
  • Accountancy and book-keeping fees
  • Subsidising parties and other events

Is it easy for new members to get involved?

Yes, we go out of our way to introduce them to the club. New members are welcome to attend any event but some may find it easier to start at a smaller event, perhaps something in which you have a particular interest or simply over drinks in a pub. Do mention to the event organiser that you have just recently joined. Theatre goers almost always visit a restaurant before or after the play and walkers usually lunch in a pub and often also go to a tearoom or cafe afterwards. Indeed, almost everything we do has a social element. Once you know a few other members, going to a party with maybe 75 attending is a lot easier. When you find an event you enjoy, attending fairly regularly initially will soon help you feel part of the club.We all started off going for our first time once!. 

Where in London are the events?
There are activities and events going on in the centre of the capital as well as  events in surrounding areas within the M25. Country walkers head off to the more attractive areas of the Home Counties and beyond. Weekends away are held all over the country. 

When can I start going to events?
You can attend IVC events as soon as you pay your subscription and receive your login details.

What sort of events does London IVC offer?

London IVC offers everything from walking to tennis, parties, meals out, pub evenings, wine-tastings, theatre & weekends away. There is an abundance of activities and social events to choose from. With our voluntary, member-led approach we can also easily offer events catering to minority interests which don't need great numbers to be successful. Perhaps an astronomy lecture at the Royal Institution or fossil-hunting on the Jurassic Coast?

Do I have to be a member to attend London IVC events?

In general only members may attend our events.  We have also set up a number of Meetup groups which give non-members the opportunity to trial the club by coming along as a guest to any of a limited number of events we open to the London IVC & Meet-Your-Neighbours local Meetup groups. Bear in mind that while club members will be going to these events normally they won't book through Meetup so the list there of those attending will not be complete.

What is the ratio of male to female members?
This varies marginally from year to year but only within about 5% of a healthy 50/50 balance. Currently women form just over half of the membership and there are more female than male joiners.